Polo Players Edition

JAN 2011

Polo Players' Edition is the official publication of the U.S. Polo Association. Dedicated to the sport of polo, it features player profiles, game strategy, horse care, playing tips, polo club news and tournament results.

Issue link: https://polo.epubxp.com/i/31965

Contents of this Issue


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Mariano Aguerre’s gelding Califa and Adolfo Cambiaso’s mare Cuartetera. Horse sales are also making news. At a recent horse auction, organized by Adolfo Cambiaso in Argentina in November, a 50- percent share of a 2-year-old stallion, a son of Cuartetera, sold for $380,000. If that doesn’t get your attention, one of two foals cloned from Cuartetera, both born in Texas this summer and recently shipped to Argentina, sold for $800,000. The auction, which showcased about two dozen horses, reportedly brought in $3.125 million. Several other Argentina polo players also hold polo pony auctions each year, including the Pieres, Novilla Astradas, and Mariano Aguerre. Back in the U.S., horses with speed bloodlines are being bought off Florida racetracks, like Calder and Gulfstream, and sold to pros who ship the horses to Argentina to train or better their breeding stock. This can be an extremely expensive endeavor as anyone who has tried to raise polo horses can tell you. The fact is, great horses can just come along, they can be found almost anywhere. Snagglepuss, a horse bought by Memo Gracida and played in the U.S. Open, was a Lakota Indian suicide racer. Another great horse, Pepsi Cola, originally came from an Oklahoma horse shoeing school; and Kalliman, a horse honored by the Polo Hall of Fame in 2001, was part of a load of horses bought at a killer sale. Still, the best horse I ever played was related to Bold Ruler and had won two pretty big races as a 2-year-old. So, if you have got the dough, breeding really does matter. The good horse traders, however, find horses from the four corners, sell them cheap to trainers or grooms, and the good ones find their way to the high goal. How hard is it to find a great horse? Adolfo Cambiaso supposedly owns close to a thousand horses and he will still come to Florida and buy horses if he likes them. The sport revolves around horses and our passion for horses justifies the resources we commit to them. Sam Morton is the Author of Where the Rivers Run North and The Land of the Horse. Samuellongmorton.com. ᑕ!ᑥᑦᑥ∃ᑡᑀᑃ∀!!ᑥᑨᑣᑀᑄᑠᑣᑡᑀᑓᑙᑥᑡᑨᑙᑡᑀ!ᑩᑀᑇᑧᑰᑱᑩ#ᑡᑀ ᑘᑨᑠᑀᑈᑘᑥᑨ!ᑘᑥᑨᑀᑗᑩ∀ᑱᑀᑆᑩᑱ ᑡ% ᑀᑆᑡᑘᑦ!ᑤᑁᑀ ᑐᑡᑱᑢᑩᑱᑧᑘᑨᑙᑡᑀᑘᑨᑠᑀᑄᑨᑠ∀ᑱᑘᑨᑙᑡ ᑒᑄᑓᑖᑂᑉᑔᑂᑅᑄᑀᑄᑑᑕᑇᑉᑄᑀ® is a nutritional supplement incorporating proven cutting edge advancements in medical research in its formulation. The supplement contains resveratrol blended together with a unique combination of nutrients from natural sources that work synergistically to support complete horse health and increase performance and endurance. ᑒᑄᑓᑖᑂᑉᑔᑂᑅᑄ ᑄᑑᑕᑇᑉᑄ® has proven anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and cardioprotective properties and helps promote normal metabolic and healthy immune system functions. Visit our website ᑢᑢᑢᑁᑗᑐᑘᑡᑈᑔᑙᑈᑑᑐᑐᑖᑠᑒᑔᑐᑁᑉᑕᑓ or call us at ᑇᑄᑇᑁᑆᑄᑅᑁᑂᑃᑃᑃ ᑃᑁᑆᑆᑑᑨᑉᑀᑐᑁᑂᑅᑀᑉᑄᑇᑈ ᑁᑓᑖᑒᑅᑇᑇ Also available in Havana Leather ᑙ/)3,∋%0ᑀᑢ823)44ᑃᑀᑧ%45)3∋%3(ᑀᑂᑀ∀,4%ᑀ%∋∋)25)( ᑅᑐᑠᑠᑧᑨᑤᑀᑉᑐᑑᑗᑀᑈᑕᑡᑢᑀᑐᑘᑤᑡᑀᑡᑔᑔᑓᑣᑤᑀ ᑐᑀᑑᑡᑙᑢᑘᑓᑥᑓᑀᑘᑖᑠᑓᑀᑡᑔᑀᑢᑣᑡᑒᑦᑑᑥᑤ ᑔᑡᑣᑀᑐᑘᑘᑀᑧᑡᑦᑣᑀᑢᑡᑘᑡᑀᑠᑓᑓᑒᑤᑁ ᑩ.%5+)ᑀᑠ1154<ᑁᑉᑑᑒ ᑡ+6−−)3ᑀᑠ3,(.)ᑀ∋1/2.)5)ᑀ7ᑆ&,5 ᑤ%∗<ᑁᑐᑖᑖ ᑰ).+%/<ᑁᑐᑒᑖ ᑇᑕᑖᑣᑀᑣᑥᑒᑑᑒᑀᑣᑈᑑᑑᑗᑒᑀᑕᑈᑣᑀ ᑈᑀᑣᑤᑒᑒᑗᑁᑢᑒᑖᑙᑓᑠᑢᑐᑒᑑᑀᑤᑢᑒᑒᑀ ᑦᑕᑖᑐᑕᑀᑖᑣᑀᑗᑖᑙᑒᑑᑀᑦᑖᑤᑕᑀ ᑗᑈᑤᑒᑧᑀᑢᑥᑉᑉᑒᑢᑀᑡᑈᑙᑒᑗᑣᑀ ᑤᑠᑀᑈᑣᑣᑥᑢᑒᑀᑐᑠᑘᑓᑠᑢᑤᑀᑈᑙᑑᑀ ᑈᑙᑀᑒᑧᑐᑒᑗᑗᑒᑙᑤᑀᑓᑖᑤᑀᑓᑠᑢᑀ ᑉᑠᑤᑕᑀᑡᑗᑈᑨᑒᑢᑀᑈᑙᑑᑀᑕᑠᑢᑣᑒᑂ ᑔᑇᑀᑡ.,0510ᑀᑱ53))5ᑀ;ᑀ 6..9ᑃᑀᑨ)7ᑀ∃13−ᑀᑈᑐᑈᑒᑖ ᑰ+10)ᑆᑣ%8ᑀᑐᑈᑒᑄᑓᑖᑓᑄᑕᑇᑐᑓᑀ;ᑀᑢᑄ/%,.ᑗᑀ(%00921.1ᑘ%1.ᑅ∋1/ ᑅᑈᑢᑐᑠᑣ ᑄᑒᑔᑥᑨ ᑆᑈᑑᑑᑗᑒ Aiken, S.C. ᑇᑠᑘᑀᑃᑖᑑᑑᑗᑒ ᑃᑢᑈᑑᑗᑒᑨᑀᑃᑖᑑᑑᑗᑒ ᑇᑓᑥᑦᑣᑠᑀᑥᑡᑀᑥᑕᑓᑀᑤᑑᑓᑠᑓᑀᑡᑔᑀᑂᑃᑄᑀᑧᑓᑐᑣᑤᑀᑡᑔᑀᑑᑡᑠᑥᑖᑠᑦᑡᑦᑤᑀᑆᑡᑘᑡ ᑃᑔᑒᑘᑀᑦᑖᑤᑕᑀᑡᑠᑘᑠᑀᑡᑔᑠᑡᑘᑔᑀᑦᑕᑠᑀᑗᑙᑠᑦᑀᑧᑠᑥᑢᑀᑢᑔᑒᑘᑀᑔᑣᑤᑒᑤᑔᑀᑙᑔᑔᑓᑣ ᑠ!∃ᑀ:ᑀᑱᑢᑦᑦᑀ:ᑀᑢ#ᑡᑥᑙᑨᑤᑢ ᑕᑇᑐᑅᑓᑑᑕᑅᑔᑕᑔᑑ 777ᑅ&,((.)3)%.59ᑅ0)5 &,((.)ᑘ&,((.)3)%.59ᑅ0)5 POLO PLAYERS EDITION 15

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